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Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Bins

Our range of FOD Bins offer a practical, versatile and accessible way to improve safety at your location. Choose from a varied range of sizes and aesthetics to ensure any loose debris is quickly taken care of, with safety-first FOD Bins by Glasdon.

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The cost of foreign object debris (FOD) to the aerospace industry runs into the billions, so improving FOD infrastructure at your site is always going to be a good idea. Choose from the neat and compact FOD Bin 50, up to the large capacity FOD Bin 140, and rest-assured all our FOD Bins are rigorously tested to ensure optimum durability, alongside minimal maintenance.

Although typically associated with aerospace, FOD isn’t exclusive to this industry. Glasdon FOD bins are well-suited to a range of environments, including; the military, manufacturing and shipping. For tailored advice on implementing FOD cans at your location, speak to our industry experts today.

Take a look at our guide on how to prioritise safety with Glasdon FOD Bins for more information.

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