
Traffic Management for Clackmannanshire Council

Problem Identified

Clackmannanshire is situated in the central region of Scotland and has a population of approximately 48,500.

New housing developments are being constructed regularly around the county and specific design features must be taken into consideration under development guidelines and Scottish law.

As part of the Scottish Traffic Calming Regulations, traffic calming features such as speed humps, pinch points, chicanes and narrowing roads are a regular feature on Scottish roads. This is to help lower vehicle speed, to reduce the number and severity of accidents and encourage appropriate driver behaviour. Residential areas also benefit from a reduction in traffic noise.

As outlined by housing developers’ guidelines, bollards are required to provide a vertical delineation on traffic calming features and to highlight road narrowing at entry points.

The Solution

Admiral bollards placed in a residential area

Clackmannanshire Council were familiar with the extensive range of products which Glasdon UK provides.

Having previously used the black Admiral™ bollard for traffic calming schemes, aesthetically, the council wanted to maintain the continuity of the design throughout the local authority.

Black Admiral bollards were recommended with 80mm red and white reflective banding for siting on housing developments. The bollards would be used as part of road safety measures to reduce speed in residential areas and help create 20mph speed limit zones. Manufactured in robust Durapol® material, Admiral Bollard is low maintenance as it will not chip or rust, with no painting required. The bollard colour is moulded right through so scratches will not show. With a tough, durable construction, Admiral Bollard is corrosion-free, impact resistant and vandal resistant.

Clackmannanshire Council chose Admiral Bollards with below-ground socket system fixing option, which allows for permanent, semi-permanent or temporary application. Admiral bollard features reflective banding for high visibility.

Resulting Benefits

Traffic calming provides a solution to a variety of traffic issues, including road accidents, inappropriate traffic speeds, indiscriminate parking, unnecessary through traffic and environmental intrusion. By introducing 20mph speed limit zones using traffic calming features, the residential areas of Clackmannanshire will hopefully become safer. Admiral bollard provides an easy maintenance option for the council as it can be replaced quickly and easily with reduced maintenance costs.

What the Customer Says...

Stuart Geddes, Traffic Management & Road Safety Officer, Clackmannanshire Council.

''We are very pleased with the Glasdon Admiral bollards used within our road safety schemes. The bollards look substantial and have a large reflective area making them clearly visible on both pinch points and cycle crossing points on all traffic calmed areas.''

Traffic Management for Clackmannanshire Council
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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