
Glasdon Becomes an Accredited Living Wage Employer

Glasdon are proud to announce its accreditation as a Living Wage Employer.

National Living Wage Logo

The real Living Wage is a voluntarily hourly rate paid by almost 10,000 UK businesses. Implemented, and independently calculated by the Living Wage Foundation, to ensure that staff wages meet everyday needs - such as the weekly shop, car maintenance or surprise expenditure - the real Living Wage raises the mandatory Minimum Wage from £8.36 (for under 23s) and £9.50 (for over 25s) to £9.90 for all staff over the age of 18 across the UK. For London, the real Living Wage rises to £11.05 to account for the higher costs of living in the capital.

Started by Citizens UK in 2001, the campaign to implement a real Living Wage has cross party-political support and works with communities, activists, independent businesses, organisations, and businesses who believe wages should reflect and accommodate the true cost of living and going further than the government minimum.

At Glasdon, our employees really matter, and we continually strive to be an employer that people want to work for. Each year, we create a Glasdon Employee Opinion Survey to ensure that we are identifying areas of improvement and also to highlight areas where we are doing well.

Icon with balanced weighting scalesIcon with house in the center balancing a money symbol

In our recent survey, the average Overall Employment Satisfaction score was 77%, and less than 2% of respondents disagreed with the statement “I am proud to work for Glasdon”. We are also proud to acknowledge that 54% of our staff members have worked at Glasdon for over 10 years, and 32% for more than 20 years!

To continue our commitment to our staff and guided by our desire to create an environment where our employees feel valued, we are pleased to announce our accreditation as a Living Wage Employer.

The move ensures that all staff (apart from apprentices) across the Glasdon businesses in the UK receive at least the real Living Wage of £9.90 an hour.

Friday, April 29, 2022

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