
Sherwood™ - The Globe-Trotting Litter Bin!

Here at Glasdon UK we're all more than a little jealous of the Sherwood Litter Bin.

While our staff in Blackpool enjoy another British summer of clouds, wind and rain, Sherwood Litter Bins are jetting off to all sorts of glamorous locations.

From ski resorts in the Alps to the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco (home base for almost three decades to the legendary Jacques Cousteau), Sherwood Litter Bins are perfect for discreet litter collection. Sherwood's combination of realistic wood effect and modern low-maintenance materials mean it blends in to almost any environment.

To talk to us about your litter bin requirements, call us on (01253) 600 410, or email today.

Sherwood™ - The Globe-Trotting Litter Bin!
Monday, July 1, 2013
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