
Summer Solutions to Solving Waste

The days are longer, the nights are lighter, temperatures are up, and people flood the streets; summer is here. But with people spending more time outside, what does that mean for the environment and our public spaces?

Illustration of Summer

A sunny day spent outdoors is not complete without a cooling ice lolly or a refreshing bottle of water, right? Well, the litter that comes with these goods ends up somewhere; hopefully in the bin, but that isn’t always the case. Unfortunately, beaches, parks, green spaces and other public areas where people want to enjoy the summer sun will fall foul to local litterbugs.

Millions of Brits are choosing to staycation in the UK this year due to the rising cost of living*. This means that popular tourist destinations can expect a surge in visitors, as well as an increase in litter. Local authorities and communities should brace themselves for this influx, take steps to provide waste-capturing solutions and educate people about the importance of disposing of litter properly.

Below, you will find our pick of Glasdon solutions to help keep your summer spaces clear of waste and clean for your community.

Litter Bins

External Litter Bins should be at the forefront of all plans to tackle waste. They should be easily accessible, visible, and the first point of contact for waste disposal. Additionally, they must be durable; able to withstand heavy knocks amidst a busy crowd, and offer enough capacity to prevent frequent emptying in both residential and commercial settings.

The Elipsa™ is a sleek and stylish litter bin that is ideal for all types of public areas. A slim profile and compact design make it an excellent choice for busy high streets, while its lift-off body and base plinth simplify emptying and cleaning. 

As an alternative, the Topsy 2000™ is a versatile bin that can be used in a variety of settings due to its vast array of available colour options. Its personalised branding capabilities make it a great method to promote your business or organisation. The Topsy 2000™ also features a lift-off body and base plinth, making it easy to empty and clean.

Black Elipsa Litter BinRed Topsy 2000

As leading litter bin manufacturers, we design and produce a comprehensive range of litter bins for indoor and outdoor use. Our litter bins are made from high-quality materials, including metals, polymers, and recycled materials, to ensure that they are long-lasting and hard-wearing. We offer a wide variety of sizes, styles, and colours to suit all budgets and environments. To find out more about what recycling bin is right for your waste management programme, take a look at our How Do I Choose a Litter Bin FAQ.

Large Capacity Solutions

Commercial Wheelie Bin Housings are the professional solution to the issue of overflowing litter bins; a sight that no town wants to see. These units provide a secure and convenient way to store large-volume wheelie bins.

The Glasdon Jubilee™ 240 Wheelie Bin Housing is ideal for high footfall and litter hotspots in urban, suburban, highway and tourist locations. It is designed to provide a secure cover for a standard 240-litre wheelie bin or up to 300-litre sack. Manufactured from our recyclable polymer Durapol®, meaning a long service life is guaranteed.

With recycling in mind, the Nexus® 360 Wheelie Bin Housings are a fantastic addition to any summer location; large, robust recycling units that house a 240 or 360-litre wheeled container. Their double-skinned construction and 5-point interlocking slam-shut door add strength and stability, ensuring a long service life. The hood is also designed to withstand heavy use.

Glasdon Jubilee 240 on the SeafrontTwo Nexus 360 Recycling Bins

Recycling Bins

Our External Recycling Bins are here to make recycling effortless and more engaging for the general public.

As a solution with exceptional design features that incentivise single-stream recycling and keep your product secure amidst a busy crowd, consider the Glasdon Jubilee™ 110 Recycling Bins, suitable for towns and parks.

For the collection of multiple streams of waste in one space-saving unit, the Nexus® 200 Recycling Bin’s slim, elliptical shape ensures it takes up minimal space on busy streets and therefore, is an ideal candidate.

Both bins feature apertures on either side of their faces, allowing users to easily deposit their waste without disrupting the pedestrian flow.

Glasdon Jubilee 110 Recycling Bins in a RowNexus 200 on a Street

All our recycling bins utilise large and identifiable graphics & apertures to indicate what type of waste is supposed to be deposited, eliminating the potential for cross-contamination. To find out more about what recycling bin is right for your waste management programme, take a look at our How Do I Choose a Recycling Bin FAQ.

Standard Recycling Graphics

Cigarette Bins

One of the most unappealing forms of litter commonly seen on sun-baked streets is undoubtedly cigarette butts. They are also highly harmful to the environment, leaking thousands of chemicals and plastic fibres per piece.

Ashguard SG Ashtray

Actively encourage the correct disposal of cigarettes and keep this waste off public spaces and under control with quality, hard-wearing Cigarette Bins & Ashtrays. Our range comes in a variety of designs and capacities to ensure outdoor environments and commercial entranceways are kept clear, including wall mount, free-standing or post-mounted solutions.

As a double-sided unit that can store up to 3,500 butts, the Ashguard SG™ Free Standing Cigarette Bin will transform busy highstreets and city centres. Manufactured with our weather and vandal-resistant Durapol® polymer for added insurance during a busy summer.

Dog Waste

Fido 25

Our four-legged friends love the summer as much as we do, enjoying long walks on seafronts, beaches and through communal settings. More dogs mean more dog waste, so keep the Dog Waste Bins common and visible to all.

The Fido 25™ is the ideal dog waste bin designed for wall and post-mounting applications. Fido 25 has a Durapol® self-returning lid and a moulded plastic liner, which is removable for cleaning and disinfecting. Thanks to its robust construction, this dog waste bin is weather-resistant, durable and offers a long service life.

Children's Novelty Bins

With school out for summer, children will be spending more time outdoors. This is the perfect time to encourage responsible waste disposal and keep your facilities litter-free. Our selection of Novelty Character Bins is a fun and effective way to do this. These bins are ideal for parks, children's play areas, and visitor attractions. They are sure to capture the attention of young children and encourage them to use them correctly.

Glasdon Novelty Bins

We hope this list has provided you with some valuable information and solutions for you to help keep your community waste under control this summer.

For any more assistance, please Contact Us or talk to a member of our LiveChat service now.



Tuesday, July 4, 2023

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