Join the dozens of local authorities who have cut their unmetered electricity costs by up to 89% by switching to Glasdon Rebound Signmaster™ LED Bollards.

At the Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP) Professional Lighting Summit AGM in 2014, Chris Hardy, Lighting Engineer at Bournemouth Borough Council said:
“Bournemouth Council have replaced their entire stock of illuminated bollards as part of the drive to substantially reduce our energy budget with products that are both robust and offer long-term benefits.
“Where possible, the bollards have been removed completely. Essential installations have been replaced by non-illuminated bollards or LED-lit models as appropriate. Glasdon Rebound Signmaster and Rebound Signmaster LED Bollards have been used throughout the project because of the benefits they bring in cutting energy requirements and maintenance costs, as well as the overall quality of the product.”
Glasdon Rebound Signmaster™ - non-illuminated bollard = 0 Watts
The passively safe non-illuminated Rebound Signmaster reduces energy costs through its fully reflectorised panels.
The 360 degree reflectivity provides excellent all-round visibility and its exceptional retroreflectivity makes this bollard highly visible by day and by night.
Find out more about the Glasdon Rebound Signmaster.
Glasdon Rebound Signmaster™ LED Bollard = 5 Watts
Where schemes require illuminated bollards, the Rebound Signmaster bollard combined together with the Sublite™ LED lighting unit and underground box provide the ideal energy saving solution.
The Sublite LED Lighting Unit features low power consumption and an infrared phototransistor that ensures the unit is only lit during the hours of darkness.
This significantly reduces energy costs as compared to traditional non-reflective alternatives where power consumption is up to 44 watts, power consumption of the Rebound Signmaster LED Bollard is as low as 5 watts.
Find out more about the Glasdon Rebound Signmaster LED Bollard.