Key Considerations for Your Bollard De-illumination Programme

Following the changes to the TSRGD in April 2016, the requirement for direct illumination of traffic signs in street lit areas has been significantly relaxed, providing an opportunity to improve the performance and energy efficiency of schemes, while making those longer-term cost savings through the reduction in utility spend and maintenance.

Signmaster ultra rebound bollard on the street

The highway lighting and safety team at Glasdon UK have prepared 6 suggested considerations to help you implement the changes to your traffic bollard scheme as effectively as possible.

And if you have any further questions talk to the team now via our online Live Chat feature at the bottom of the page.

6 Key Considerations

1. Location

Regulation 8 states that the default position for upright traffic signs in street lit areas, is that they are reflectorized while allowing direct lighting if so desired.

The following signs MUST still be directly illuminated within the hours of darkness when placed within a street lit area:

  • Signs at level crossings
  • Headroom signs at bridges or structures
  • Stop and Give Way ahead (Diagram 501)
  • Terminal speed limit signs on trunk or principal roads
  • Regulatory terminal signs including give way, no entry, vehicle restrictions and banned manoeuvres
  • Motorway entry, exit and gantry signs

When assessing the regulations of any given sign and where illumination requirements are not specified, the default position regarding reflectivity should be applied.

2. Risk Assessment

The DfT recommend that a robust risk assessment is implemented on a case by case basis as there are circumstances where a non-illuminated bollard cannot be applied and an illuminated bollard is still required.

Reflectivity (discussed further below) will be under scrutiny here, as non-illuminated reflective bollards rely entirely on catching headlights and reflecting it back at the driver.

Examples of circumstances which prevent the reflective sign from catching headlights include turning angles, junction layouts, one-way traffic conditions, mounting height, signs mounted on the off side of the carriageway, and HGV traffic (which has different headlight heights).

Following assessment, if there are any doubts about reflective bollards being visible, the advice from DfT is to keep it lit.

3. Compliancy

When selecting the appropriate bollards, they must conform to the following standards to be fully compliant:

Signmaster LED and socket variants displayed on the street

  • Non-Illuminated Bollards must meet BS 8442:2015 and BS EN 12767-2:2007 e.g. Rebound Signmaster™ Bollard and Socketed Rebound Signmaster™ Bollard
  • Illuminated Bollards must meet BS EN 12899-2:2007 and BS EN 12767-2:2007 e.g. Rebound Signmaster™ LED Bollard
  • 4. Communications Planning

    Preparation is the key to smooth implementation, so we recommend that during the planning of any changes to existing schemes and in relation to the outcome of the risk assessment, all potential stakeholder views should be considered and the appropriate key messages agreed.

    5. Reflectivity and Signage Options

    Depending on the circumstances and to keep schemes as cost-effective as possible, compliant non-illuminated solutions like the Rebound Signmaster Bollard offer different levels of reflectivity.

    A single aspect solution such as the retroreflective Signmaster™ Ultra Rebound Bollard is also ideal for schemes detailed in Option 1 and Option 2 below. Optional rear reflectors are also available on this model.

    Rebound Signmaster street bollard option 1

    Option 1: Ideal for use on a traffic island in a straight road with two units back to back and where 100% of drivers are approaching the bollard from straight ahead.

    Rebound Signmaster street bollard option 2

    Option 2: Ideal for back to back units at or very near a junction as the additional pair of side reflectors improves visibility from side angles of up to about 90 – 120 degrees from square on. Also for where units are placed after a bend where they will be visible before the bend.

    Rebound Signmaster street bollard option 3

    Option 3: 360 degree reflectivity and one sign face to the front is ideal where a single bollard is sited on an island and where traffic directions are only required for drivers in one direction or for use on long central reservations.

    Rebound Signmaster street bollard option 4

    Option 4: As option 3 but with a sign face to the rear as well making it fully double sided and ideal for small traffic island where one bollard needs to alert two-way traffic to its message. For maximum visibility, many schemes select option 4 with a blank sign face on the rear where no specific direction is required.

    The Rebound Signmaster Bollard can carry a sign on the front and rear sign face. The legal sign options for the illuminated and non-illuminated models are illustrated below.

    Rebound Signmaster sign options diagram

    If a different sign face to those illustrated above is required please let us know.

    6. Fixings and Adaptor Plates

    Rebound Signmaster fixing options diagram

    When de-illuminating and installing a non-illuminated bollard such as the Rebound Signmaster consider the following:

    • For existing islands and quick and easy installation = Bolt down fixings
    • For new concrete and to give a permanent foundation for the bollard = Adjustable depth or fixed depth fixings
    • For redundant light boxes or existing foundation bases = Galvanised adaptor plates designed to suit most other leading industry light boxes and bases

    Sublite LED lighting unit underneath the ground diagram

    When installing an illuminated bollard such as the Rebound Signmaster LED consider the following:

    • For new installations select a low energy, IP67 rated solution such as the Sublite™ LED Lighting Unit and Underground Box. (As illustrated opposite).
    • For existing light boxes save by converting and upgrading to a low energy, IP68 rated solution such as the Sublite Pod LED Gear Tray and Conversion Kit.

    Check out the performance of the Rebound Signmaster Bollard in our latest video.

    Talk to Us Today

    For further assistance or to discuss your Replacement Programme requirements talk to our team of Highway Safety and Lighting Professionals today via our online Live Chat feature, call us on 01253 600411 or email highways@glasdon-uk.co.uk

    Alternatively, visit Glasdon Highway Lighting Solutions.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

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