
Signmaster of a Bollard Solution for SWTRA

The South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) manages, maintains and improves around 270 miles of trunk roads and 110 miles of motorways* on behalf of the Welsh Government and across 14 local authorities.

SWTRA regularly specify the Rebound Signmaster bollard range for roads which they manage. When working on a scheme involving a new junction at Darcy Business Park in Neath, SWTRA required keep left bollards to help direct traffic at a complex junction layout.

Following changes to the TSRGD in April 2016 the requirement for direct illumination of traffic signs in street lit areas has been significantly relaxed. However the de-illumination of a scheme and the application of a solely reflective solution depends on some key factors including location and risk assessment. 
Find out more here: 6 Key Considerations for Your De-illumination Programme.

Due to the nature of the layout in this instance, SWTRA selected the cost effective, energy efficient Rebound Signmaster™ LED Bollards to help delineate, direct and highlight the traffic islands in the road.

SWTRA chose the Rebound Signmaster LED Bollard

Jason Lewis, of the Glasdon Highway Safety Team said:

“This new and busy junction will benefit from the Signmaster Sublite's LED illumination and retroreflectors for superb night time performance combined with excellent energy efficiency."

As well as offering illuminated options, the versatility of the Rebound Signmaster Bollard range offers a number of non illuminated fixing options.

Adapter plates allow for retro-fitting to redundant lightbox installations, a variety of bolt down and anchor systems allow installation into either new or existing concrete foundations and there is a quick release socket fixing also available for new installations.

The bollard also offers different levels of reflectivity of up to 360 degrees to ensure optimum visibility from every direction of approaching traffic. Ideal for use at busy crossroads or junctions.

If you would like to talk about the specifics of your scheme, talk to a member of our highway safety team online via our Live Chat feature. Alternatively call the team direct on 01253 600411 or email


Signmaster of a Bollard Solution for SWTRA
Monday, September 26, 2016
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